Rockwellians reunited after 50 years

Here at the Rockwell College Union, we greatly value the camaraderie and lasting bonds that our school has given rise to, particularly those that endure across the decades. In the spirit of this, we were recently delighted to hear from two past Rockwellians, Father Patrick McCabe (1955), and Ninian Mellamphy (’55), who reconnected after 50 years.

It is a testament to the two that their friendship has endured through very contrasting circumstances, both professionally and geographically. Father McCabe, an avid rugby player in his youth (a member of our Munster cup and B shield winning SCT in 1954/5!) went on to serve a venerable term of nearly 5 decades as a priest in Camden, New Jersey before his well-earned retirement 10 years ago.

Ninian has a likewise accomplished history, serving as a Shakespearean in the Department of English in the University of Western Ontario, Canada, a career he attributes to a chance happening in Rockwell many years ago. He recounted to us this tale of his first Shakespearean play, in his typically excellent prose:

“When I had bought what I thought were all my texts for 2A in September 1949,

Brother Ambrose, the manager of the book shop, asked if I needed anything else.

I replied that my English prof., Fr. Tom Nolan, had recommend a play by Shakespeare.

"Which one?" asked the brother.

"O, any thing at all," I replied.

He laughed and said: "Would it be As You Like It"?

What an odd start to my Shakespearean days!”


In spite of their differing situations and stations, the two report that they meet up quite often, as may be seen in the header photo accompanying this post. We wish Ninian and Patrick all the best in the future, and we hope that their example might inspire our members to similar feats of solidarity.

Rockwell College Union


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